Political power serves the interest of an ultra-rich minority against the greater good / common interest(cf. the links found under concerning the central issue of monetary creation left to private banks) To use the power given by the people against the greater good is an abuse of power A democratic regime should above all protect […]
In a democracy, the people are sovereign and govern with the greater good as a goal The constitution of the 5th Republic (in France) and elsewhere transfers power from the people to elected representatives The greater good is not defended by the elected representatives (see the next […]
An election essentially leaves the choice between candidates already preselected by political parties An electoral campaign is quite expensive, to be elected costs a lot, the support of money powers cannot be avoided and is necessary Therefore, members of a political cast obtain powers without any counter-power, form an oligarchy and are thankful (and in […]
The constitution must establish the limits of power, to protect the common interest and the greater good Our constitution has been written by people who were elected and by people who were in power There is a conflict of interest: the one who is in power must never determine the limits of his own power […]
You will find here a proposal amongst others for a constitutional process that would, without a doubt, lead to the writing of a better constitution. We can surely do better, and if you wish to participate in the debate, check out the Forum of Plan C
Phase 1: Selecting citizens.
Ever citizen, starting with […]
To summarize:
Because it is not right for the people in power to write the rules of that power
This message, if millions rally behind it, can change everything.
Because it can be understood by all (if you explain it) Because it means to take care of the root of all […]